guys..yall are the best..wish we all be together in this way and friends forever..
insyaAllah..AnakSolehah chayok2!!!
mine..cantik kn? birthday is today!!!!
got alot of wishes from all of my friends..
and i cant forgot about this morning when i walked into the exam hall and some of my Indonesian friends had wished me..hehe..
like always..i dont know what to do..
but one thing for sure..the are changes this year and i am grateful for that..hehe
ade yg tanye.."xbli pape ke utk diri sendiri thn ni?"
and i said.."xbli pape..jz wat kek utk diri sendrik"..and i am very proud of that..alhamdulillah..
like a friend of mine said:
"umo da bekrg sethn utk melangkah ke Dia..jangan letakkan diri sebagai org beriman tp cari lah cinta Dia utk menjadi hamba yg bertaqwa"
UKHWAH TO THE TOP..moga2 diri ini lebih bersemangat utk menjadi hamba-Nya dan tetap dalam jalan yg benar..amin..
yaaawww..sogan la mu ltk name AS tu kt situ.
im happy for u!
happy birthday.
tlupe plak :
mu n izan same tinggi ngan yanti ghupenyeeee..haha
yanti as always..mate sokmo nk tepejam klu amek gambo
kek tu sangat mabelesssss.
haih haih.melagho daaahhh...
muuuuuuuu.. bakpe dok letok gambo yg kite 3 org buat tgn salute tu?
comey jugok...
jgn lupe aku e..aku p beli gakx barang2 nie.. ngeee n pls credit to the photographer s well...ahhahaha :P
owh mr anoy..toceyyy sgt2.
haha..seb baik mu ckp mr nisa..ak ingat stalker mane td..
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